Bronze Rhyton, Mesopotamian Civilisation, Ca. 2000 BC
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Directory: Antiques: Regional Art: Ancient World: Near Eastern: Metalwork: Pre AD 1000: Item # 1430110
Directory: Antiques: Regional Art: Ancient World: Near Eastern: Metalwork: Pre AD 1000: Item # 1430110
Please refer to our stock # 1-1217 when inquiring.
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
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120 Impasse de La Borie
81170 Livers Cazelles, FRANCE
(0033) 6 32 63 98 15
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120 Impasse de La Borie
81170 Livers Cazelles, FRANCE
(0033) 6 32 63 98 15
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Rhyton with a cylindrical shape progressively widening toward its top to give an overall conical aspect. The rython is decorated with two feminine deities figures in relief on both sides, wearing horns and having a posture similar to the one of Osiris statues. The body of the rhyton itself is decorated with superimposed geometric designs in slight relief. The piece is made of bronze, with an encrusted green patina. Mesopotamia, probably Bronze Age, ca. 3000 to 1500 B.C. Height: 11.5 cm. Strong soil encrustation, otherwise very good condition. A rare piece.
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