Important Gilt Bronze Pendant; Bactria, Ca. 6th C. BC
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Directory: Antiques: Regional Art: Asian: Central Asian: Jewelry: Pre AD 1000: Item # 1481330
Directory: Antiques: Regional Art: Asian: Central Asian: Jewelry: Pre AD 1000: Item # 1481330
Please refer to our stock # 1-1376 when inquiring.
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
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120 Impasse de La Borie
81170 Livers Cazelles, FRANCE
(0033) 6 32 63 98 15
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120 Impasse de La Borie
81170 Livers Cazelles, FRANCE
(0033) 6 32 63 98 15
Guest Book
Rare gilt bronze pendant, of oval form, with a finely embossed decoration representing a noble lady being taken care of by two servants, under a tree, the whole scene surrounded by geometric design. Small cylindrical loop for attachement to a necklace. Nice patina. Bactrian Civilisation, ca. 500 BC. Length: 10 cm, height 9 cm. Very good condition.
Rare gilt bronze pendant, of oval form, with a finely embossed decoration representing a noble lady being taken care of by two servants, under a tree, the whole scene surrounded by geometric design. Small cylindrical loop for attachement to a necklace. Nice patina. Bactrian Civilisation, ca. 500 BC. Length: 10 cm, height 9 cm. Very good condition.