All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1837 VR
item #1500928
(stock #1-1487)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
A fine pair of very old wood funnels for sowing, with a circular top and a squarish base for one and a rectangular base for the other. Holes are perforated through, from top to base, to let seeds be poured on the top, pass through and be scattered on the soil. Both are decorated with carved Hindu designs in relief on the body, one with god Ganesh and the other with Nandi bull, a Hindu deity and a symbol. They were made in India around the beginning of the 19th century. Their height: 12.8 and 14 ...
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
"Ancient India", Bulletin of the Archeological Survey of India, number 7 to 12, comprising of:
1 - "Ancient India", Bulletin of the Archeological Survey of India, number 7, January 1951 - January 1949. Edited and published by the Director General of Archaeology in India, New Delhi. Printed by the Job Press Ltd., Kanpur. 8 3/8"x10 11/16" (21,5x27 cm). 85 pages. Numerous drawings, maps and photos. A series of articles on the archeology of India, Afghanistan and Pakistan, by British and Indian f...
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : Kashmir : Pre 1700
item #1499748
(stock #1-1479)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Miniature statue of Hindu god Vishnu, standing, wearing a diadem, jewels and a "dhoti", holding his attributes with his four arms. A flaming aureola is shown behind his head. Bronze, with fine age patina. India, 17th/18th century. The statue is nicely mounted on a custom stand. Height of the statue: 11 cm. Feet missing, otherwise very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1800
item #1494906
(stock #1-1451)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Antique statue of Hindu deity, her hands joined in front,of her belly, standing on a rounded base. Wood with fine age patina. India, 18th century, maybe earlier. Height: 24.2 cm. Abrasion due to great age, otherwise good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1837 VR
item #1494905
(stock #1-1450)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Finely carved, large statue of Hindu god Vishnu, wearing a high crown, jewels, dhoti and sandals, holding his four attributes (club, chakra, conch shell and lotus flower) in his four hands, and standing on a semi circular pedestal. Wood, with remnants of the original polychromy. India, 19th century. Height: 49 cm. Some abrasion due to age, otherwise very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1837 VR
item #1494041
(stock #1-1447)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Rare architectural ornament, with an unusual form, representing a chimera or mythical bird with a human head, half human - half bird, standing on a rounded base and backed by a pillar. Eroded wood, fine age patina. India, early 19th century, maybe earlier. Height: 18.8 cm. Very good condition. A highly unusual piece.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1800
item #1489989
(stock #1-1431)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Statue of a guardian, with a large mustache, wearing a turban --- suggesting that the man belongs to the Sikh community --- and a uniform. Wood, with strong abrasion due to great age. India, 18th/19th century. Height: 37 cm. The statue is mounted on a custom stand. Arms and feet missing, otherwise good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1900
item #1487637
(stock #1-1424)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Statue of a standing woman in formal dress, with an unusual necklace supporting a Christian cross. Wood, with fine glossy patina. India, 19th century. Height: 18.5 cm. The statue is nicely mounted on a custom stand. Abrasion due to age, otherwise good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1900
item #1486012
(stock #1-1414)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Statue of a horseman (probably a Hindu deity), holding a spear in his right hand. Bronze, with fine age patina. India, 19th century. Height: 8.7 cm. Length: 8.8 cm. Good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1900
item #1484500
(stock #1-1401)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Finely cast gilt bronze statue of Hindu god Vishnu, wearing a diadem with a flaming aureola at the back, necklaces bracelets and a dhoti, holding his attributes with his four arms. The god is standing on and backed by the Naga. India, late 19th century. Height: 15 cm. Very good condition.
NOTE: Images of Vishnu typically depict him with four arms, holding his attributes: the club, wheel, conch and lotus flower. The club is a symbol of Vishnu's divine power, and the wheel, a symbol of the sun. ...
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1837 VR
item #1483639
(stock #1-1394)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Finely cast unusual statue of Hindu god Kartikeya, wearing jewels and a loincloth, standing on a stylised lotus.The right hand of this statue is poised as if holding a staff and the left hand rests on his thigh. He is seen as a mendicant with just a loincloth on. This form of Kartikeya is also called Dandayudhapani (the one who holds staff in hand).Bronze, with nice age patina. India, early 19th century, maybe earlier. Height: 19.3 cm. Very good condition. A rare piece.
NOTE: Kartikeya is the e...
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1800
item #1478418
(stock #1-1350)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Miniature altar representing Hindu god Shiva and his wife Parvati, standing, and backed by a mandorla. Bronze, with strong abrasion due to age and fine patina. India, 17th/18th century, maybe earlier. Height: 83 mm. Very good condition. Provenance: old Berlin collection.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1800
item #1467900
(stock #1-1328)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Statue of Hindu goddess Shridevi, one of the two consorts ("shakti") of god Vishnu, standing on an elevated square base, holding a lotus flower in her left hand. Bronze, with fine patina. India, 18th century. Height: 6.2 cm. Some abrasion due to age, otherwise very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1700
item #1459196
(stock #1-1298)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Head of a deity, probably one of the Hindu deities. However, the shape of the top of the head and the presence of a usnisa above the forehead may suggest that this is an early representation of the head of Buddha. The head is made of wood, with a beautiful dark brown crusty patina. India, 15th/16th century. Height: 21 cm. Very good condition despite a few age cracks.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1700
item #1456623
(stock #1-1281)
Statue of Hindu goddess Durga, standing on a circular base, with her multiple arms, killing the demons. Bronze, with fine age patina. India, 15th/16th century. Height: 10.2 cm. Right hand missing, abrasion due to great age, otherwise very good condition
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1837 VR
item #1439106
(stock #1-1243)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Nicely cast ritual spoon, with a highly detailed statue on its top representing Hindu god Krishna standing on a stylised lotus and playing his flute, with a cow behind him. The spoon itself is decorated with two birds on its sides and a geometric design at its back. Copper with nice green patina. India, early 19th century. Height: 14.8 cm. The spoon is mounted on a custom stand to enhance its beauty. A rather rare piece of this size and condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1910
item #1434485
(stock #1-1229)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Old tribal necklace made of twenty strands of old glass beads of various colours. North East India, Naga ethnic group. Length: around 29 cm. Very good condition. Provenance: 1) old European collection 2) auction sale.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1910
item #1434484
(stock #1-1228)
Large and intricately created old tribal necklace, made of old glass beads of various colours and sizes, with bone separates and bronze tiny bronze bells. North East India, Naga ethnic group. Length: around 64 cm. Very good condition. Provenance: 1) old European collection, 2) auction sale.