Primitive and
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1837 VR item #1500928 (stock #1-1487)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
A fine pair of very old wood funnels for sowing, with a circular top and a squarish base for one and a rectangular base for the other. Holes are perforated through, from top to base, to let seeds be poured on the top, pass through and be scattered on the soil. Both are decorated with carved Hindu designs in relief on the body, one with god Ganesh and the other with Nandi bull, a Hindu deity and a symbol. They were made in India around the beginning of the 19th century...
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Americas : Pre Columbian : Pottery : Pre 1700 item #1500602 (stock #1-1486)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Part of a terracotta sculpture representing a snarling jaguar, showing teeth, with large circular eyes and a wide open mouth showing teeth. Limbs, tail, and left ear missing. Tumaco Pre-Columbian Culture. The figurine is nicely mounted on a custom wood stand with an explanatory label. Provenance: Acquired from a specialised antique gallery in Montreal (Canada) in 1997.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Central Asian : Pre AD 1000 item #1500505 (stock #1-1485)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
A rare reliquary box of cylindrical form, its lid nicely carved with a triple handle suggesting a stupa with lotus designs, the box itself delicately carved to represent four Buddhas in meditation inside niches surrounded by pillars. Grey schist. Gandhara Civilisation, ca. 3rd century. Height: 14.7 cm. A few chips, otherwise very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Chinese : Textiles : Pre 1920 item #1500298 (stock #1-1483)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
A fine pair of old Chinese rugs. The first one with brown and blue design on white background, is decorated with floral and geometric designs, the latter including Buddhist symbols (Svastika and Eternal Knot). The rug is made of wool. Dimensions: 125 X 65 cm. China, early 20th century. Old restorations otherwise good condition. The second one is slightly bigger, with beige, red and blue designs on brown background...
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : Himalayas : Pre 1900 item #1499752 (stock #1-1481)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Statue of Vajradakini, naked, wearing a diadem and jewels, dancing on a lotus, with a "vajra" and a "damaru" in her hands and a "khatvanga" under her right arm. The Vajradakini is backed by a flaming aureola. Bronze, with fine patina and remnants of the original coulouring. The statue was cast in three parts. Tibet, 19th/20th century. Height: 23.3 cm. Very good condition...
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : Himalayas : Pre 1837 VR item #1499749 (stock #1-1480)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Very old statue of a household protecting deity, with an enigmatic expression, standing, hands in "namaste" posture. Wood, with dark age patina. Nepal, early 19th century. Height: 36.8 cm. The statue is mounted on a custom stand. Old insect infestation (treated, no danger), otherwise good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : Kashmir : Pre 1700 item #1499748 (stock #1-1479)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Miniature statue of Hindu god Vishnu, standing, wearing a diadem, jewels and a "dhoti", holding his attributes with his four arms. A flaming aureola is shown behind his head. Bronze, with fine age patina. India, 17th/18th century. The statue is nicely mounted on a custom stand. Height of the statue: 11 cm. Feet missing, otherwise very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Stone : Pre AD 1000 item #1499553 (stock #1-1478)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Finely incised cylinder seal made of black stone, representing the famous hero Gilgamesh confronting firmly on each side with his two hands a lion with a human head. The whole scene is surmounted by two wings with a sort of sun in their center. Inscriptions in cuneiform on the sides. Mesopotamia, ca. 3000 BC. Height: 43 mm. Slight abrasion due to age, otherwise very good condition. Provenance: acquired in Paris from an antique dealer in 1971.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Metalwork : Pre AD 1000 item #1499325 (stock #1-1477)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Rhyton, of conical shape, decorated at its base with the bust of a horse. Geometric design incised all over the body of the object. Bronze, with fine reddish-green age patina and traces of soil encrustations. Bactrian Civilisation, ca. 4th century B.C. Height: 11 cm. Very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : Himalayas : Pre 1900 item #1499302 (stock #1-1476)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Gilt bronze five prong vajra (or dorje), resting on a lotus stand also made of gilt bronze. Intricate details on the vajra, especially the "makara" heads from which four prongs are protruding, but also around the center part. The stand is also finely cast, and shows an incised "four vajra" design beneath. Tibet, late 19th century. Total height: 20.3 cm. Vajra length: 17.8 cm. Stand diameter: 8 cm. Gilding partly missing, otherwise very good condition
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : Himalayas : Pre 1900 item #1499282 (stock #1-1475)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Statue of Bodhisattva Manjusri, the Lord of Wisdom, wearing a diadem, jewels and a dhoti, sitting cross-legged on a double lotus throne, his right hand holding the sword that kills ignorance, his left hand holding a lotus on top of which a book is placed. Bronze, with remnants of the original lacquering and gilding. Tibet, late 19th century. Height: 22.5 cm. Very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Wood : Pre 1930 item #1498935 (stock #1-1474)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Mask of the Noh Theater representing the character of Shishiguchi. This finely carved from wood mask shows a face with powerful features, with polychrome pigments to enhance its fierce expression. Its height: 25.5 cm. Nicely mounted on a custom stand. Very good condition. NOTE: Shishiguchi means litterally "The Lion's Mouth" This mask is mainly used to interpret the spirit of the lion in a scene of "Shakkyo", a Noh play from which all the lion dances of Kabuki theater are originating.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Southeast Asian : Sculpture : Pre 1700 item #1497712 (stock #1-1470)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Statue of Buddha, his face reflecting a profound inner serenity, wearing monk's robes, sitting on an elevated throne, his hands in "bhumisparsa mudra". Slightly eroded alabaster. Height: 24.4 cm. Very good condition. Note: The statue was hollowed out inside, a feature which is quite rare, such statues being carved outside only.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Chinese : Paintings : Pre 1837 VR item #1497710 (stock #1-1469)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Ancient scroll painting representing Hell, with, at the center, King Yan, the God of Death and the ruler of Diyu surrounded by his assistants, among which the Judge of the Souls with his book listing every soul. Below are shown other judges, and demons which torture souls which were judged as not worthy of the heaven of the gods. This polychrome painting on paper was done in the early part of the 19th century, by an artist belongning the Yao ethnic minority residing in the South of China...
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1837 VR item #1496827 (stock #1-1467)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Three miniature primitive statues depicting Hindu gods, one sitting on a oval throne in praying posture, the other one sitting on a slightly elevated circular throne holding his attributes, and the third one sitting on a square base also holding his attributes. Bronze, with fine age patinas. Height: 42 mm, 37 mm and 31 mm. Good condition despite signs of great age.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Chinese : Sculpture : Pre AD 1000 item #1496771 (stock #1-1465)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Miniature statue of a dignitary, in formal attire, kneeling, with joined hands. Bronze, with fine age patina. China, Han dynasty. Height: 9.4 cm. Good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Chinese : Sculpture : Pre 1492 item #1496770 (stock #1-1464)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Miniature statue of a standing flautist, in formal robes, holding his flute with both hands. Bronze, with a beautiful red and green patina. China, Tang dynasty. Height: 7.5 cm. Obvious signs of great age, otherwise very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Greek : Pre AD 1000 item #1496769 (stock #1-1463)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Rare and beautiful seal made of banded agate, of circular shape, with an intaglio design representing the bust of a king surrounded by a greek inscription. Diameter: 2.7 cm. Slight abrasion due to great age, otherwise very good condition.