All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Metalwork : Pre 1837 VR
item #1361185
(stock #1-1033)
Kohl bottle of flat shape with a long neck and flat rim, resting on four legs. Bronze, with fine dark green patina. 19th century. Height: 8.5 cm. Very good condition. A rare piece.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Metalwork : Pre AD 1000
item #1390057
(stock #1-1111)
Important silver alloy plate, with an embossed décoration representing two women facing each other. Bactria, Ca. 500 BC. Diameter: 20.2 cm. Very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Stone : Pre AD 1000
item #1390850
(stock #1-1112)
Relief fragment representing Buddha standing beside a column, his right hand holding his robe, his left hand in blessing posture, with a worshipper kneeling in front of him. Grey schist. Graeco-Buddhist art, Gandhara period, 1st to 3rd century. Height: 17 cm. Mounted on a plexi stand. Good condition. Provenance: Christie's Amsterdam auction sale 1993.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Pre AD 1000
item #1392845
(stock #1-1121)
Mosaic glass pendant in the shape of a bearded head, surmounted by a large loop for attachment to a necklace. Phenicia, or Carthage, archaic period, 350 to 200 B.C. Height: 6.1 cm. Barely visible old accident, superbly restored, otherwise very good condition. NOTE: similar pendants are shown in the Antique Glass Collection of the Louvre Museum in Paris. Publications: "Les verres antiques du Musee du Louvre", Louvre Editions, Paris 2011.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Metalwork : Pre AD 1000
item #1393169
(stock #1-1122)
Heavy bracelet decorated with a tiger head at each tip. Bronze, with partly encrusted green patina. Bactria, ca. 6th century B.C. maybe earlier. Inside diameter: around 9.5 cm. Very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Stone : Pre AD 1000
item #1394554
(stock #1-1131)
Alabaster amulet finely carved to represent a falcon with a tiger head protruding from its tail. Two holes on top of the falcon wings allow attachment to a necklace. Mesopotamia, ca. 2000 B.C. Height: 7.5 cm. Old accident on its top, restored since, slight abrasion, otherwise very good condition
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Metalwork : Pre AD 1000
item #1395555
(stock #1-1139)
Pendant of square shape, with a relief design representing two crowned characters kneeling in front of an altar surmounted by a circle containing an entity. Tiny loop at its top. Bronze, with reddish-green patina. Mesopotamia, ca. 2000 B.C. Height: 5.7 cm. Abrasion due to great age, otherwise good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Stone : Pre AD 1000
item #1395557
(stock #1-1141)
Agate cylinder seal with an intricate incised design representing a king or deity facing right, surmounted by a bird, and facing a smaller character holding a weapon and standing on a pedestal surmounting a tiny character at its feet. Mesopotamia, ca. 2000 B.C. Height: 4.4 cm. Abrasion, tiny chips, otherwise very good condition.
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Seal ring, its bezel of square shape with an incised design representing a helmeted king riding a "lamassu". Bronze, with partly encrusted reddish-green patina. Mesopotamia, Neo-Assyrian Empire, 10th to 7th century B.C. Bezel dimensions: 18 x 18 mm. Height of the ring: 24 mm. Inside diameter: 18 mm. Good condition. NOTE: a lamassu is a protective deity having a human head, the body of a bull or a lion, and sometimes wings.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Metalwork : Pre AD 1000
item #1430110
(stock #1-1217)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Rhyton with a cylindrical shape progressively widening toward its top to give an overall conical aspect. The rython is decorated with two feminine deities figures in relief on both sides, wearing horns and having a posture similar to the one of Osiris statues. The body of the rhyton itself is decorated with superimposed geometric designs in slight relief. The piece is made of bronze, with an encrusted green patina. Mesopotamia, probably Bronze Age, ca. 3000 to 1500 B.C. Height: 11.5 cm...
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Stone : Pre AD 1000
item #1482567
(stock #1-1385)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Funeral statuette composed of two separate parts: a head made of limestone, a formal robe made of chlorite adorned with a necklace and two tigers in relief on the sides. This type of statuette is commonly called "Bactrian princess" among specialists, and dates back from the mid third to the early second millenium BC. Such funeral objects seem to have played an important role in the funerals of elites of the Margiana and maybe the Bactrian courts as well. Height: 6.5 cm. Width: 4 cm...
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Pre AD 1000
item #1484921
(stock #1-1404)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Statue of a fertility goddess, standing, wearing a formal coiffe and long pants. Terracotta. Indus Valley Civilisation period (3300-1300 B.C.), Harappa region. Height: 17 cm. Soil encrustations, arms partly missing, otherwise very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Pre AD 1000
item #1496386
(stock #1-1456)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
A pair of cylinder form long beads, one of dark blue colour, the other one of dark green colour, both decorated with geometric designs surrounding "eye" motives. Phoenician period mosaic glass, 6th to 4th century B.C. Some soil encrustation, otherwise good condition.
NOTE: in several different ancient civilisations, be they of the Middle or Far East regions, the "eye" design was used since early times to protect against evil spirits.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Greek : Pre AD 1000
item #1496769
(stock #1-1463)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Rare and beautiful seal made of banded agate, of circular shape, with an intaglio design representing the bust of a king surrounded by a greek inscription. Diameter: 2.7 cm. Slight abrasion due to great age, otherwise very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Metalwork : Pre AD 1000
item #1499325
(stock #1-1477)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Rhyton, of conical shape, decorated at its base with the bust of a horse. Geometric design incised all over the body of the object. Bronze, with fine reddish-green age patina and traces of soil encrustations. Bactrian Civilisation, ca. 4th century B.C. Height: 11 cm. Very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Stone : Pre AD 1000
item #1499553
(stock #1-1478)
Finely incised cylinder seal made of black stone, representing the famous hero Gilgamesh confronting firmly on each side with his two hands a lion with a human head. The whole scene is surmounted by two wings with a sort of sun in their center. Inscriptions in cuneiform on the sides. Mesopotamia, ca. 3000 BC. Height: 43 mm. Slight abrasion due to age, otherwise very good condition. Provenance: acquired in Paris from an antique dealer in 1971.