Primitive and
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Central Asian : Metalwork : Pre AD 1000 item #1479943 (stock #1-1369)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Important goblet of cylindrical form flaring towards its top, superbly decorated in relief all over its body with embossed court scenes showing a queen, half naked and sitting on a throne, being taken care of by several servants. The goblet is made of silver, with a fine age patina. Afghanistan, Graeco-Bactrian Kingdom, ca. 3rd century. Height: 10.4 cm. Obvious signs of great age, otherwise very good condition...
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Chinese : Metalwork : Pre AD 1000 item #1480056 (stock #1-1370)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Small figurine representing Kuan Yin, the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy, in formal attire and wearing elaborate diadem and necklaces, flanked by two worshippers, standing on an elevated throne in front of which a lion head is showing in relief. Bronze, with dark reddish-green patina. China, Northern Wei or Sui Dynasty. Height: 2 3/4" (7 cm). Abrasion due to great age, otherwise good condition. An extremely rare object.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Central Asian : Jewelry : Pre AD 1000 item #1480251 (stock #1-1371)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
A rare ring, elaborately decorated with two kinds of stupas linked together. Bronze, with nice age patina. Soil encrustations. Graeco-Buddhist Civilisation, Gandhara, ca. 3rd century. Inside diameter: 17 mm. Height: 43 mm. Very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Southeast Asian : Metalwork : Pre 1900 item #1480292 (stock #1-1372)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Important embossed high content (+800) silver bowl, superbly decorated with detailed legendary/religious characters in niches all around the body, surrounded and surmounted by foliage design and resting on a stylised lotus decor. Height: 9.8 cm, diameter 10.4 cm, weight: 259 gr. Burma, late 19th century. Excellent condition. Provenance: acquired from a Bangkok (Thailand) antique dealer in 1978.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Devotional Objects : Pre 1800 item #1480441 (stock #1-1373)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Statue of Buddha, in monk's robes, standing on an elevated rounded stand, his hands in abhaya and varada mudra (symbolizing protection, peace, charity and compassion). Wood, with fine patina. Japan, mid Edo period, 18th century. Height: 18 cm. Slight abrasion due to age, otherwise very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Central Asian : Jewelry : Pre AD 1000 item #1481330 (stock #1-1376)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Rare gilt bronze pendant, of oval form, with a finely embossed decoration representing a noble lady being taken care of by two servants, under a tree, the whole scene surrounded by geometric design. Small cylindrical loop for attachement to a necklace. Nice patina. Bactrian Civilisation, ca. 500 BC. Length: 10 cm, height 9 cm. Very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Central Asian : Pre 1700 item #1481619 (stock #1-1383)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Large Afghan ceramic charger, of hollow form, decorated with splashed green and brown lines crossing on a light beige background. The charger is typical of art style of the Bamiyan period during the Bactrian civilisation era. Diameter: 26.5 cm. Height: 8.9 cm. Small hairline, otherwise very good condition. NOTE: Old French collection, collected in situ in 1970.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Central Asian : Metalwork : Pre AD 1000 item #1481731 (stock #1-1384)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Rhyton, of conical shape, decorated at its base with the bust of a ram. Geometric design incised all over the body of the object. Bronze, with fine reddish-green age patina and traces of soil encrustations. Bactrian Civilisation, ca. 4th century B.C. Height: 15.3 cm. The piece is nicely mounted on a custom stand. Very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Ancient World : Near Eastern : Stone : Pre AD 1000 item #1482567 (stock #1-1385)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Funeral statuette composed of two separate parts: a head made of limestone, a formal robe made of chlorite adorned with a necklace and two tigers in relief on the sides. This type of statuette is commonly called "Bactrian princess" among specialists, and dates back from the mid third to the early second millenium BC. Such funeral objects seem to have played an important role in the funerals of elites of the Margiana and maybe the Bactrian courts as well. Height: 6.5 cm. Width: 4 cm...
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Chinese : Metalwork : Pre 1837 VR item #1482722 (stock #1-1387)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
A parcel-gilt silver cricket box and its cover. The body of the box is decorated with embossed flowers in cartouches, and its base is pierced with an intricate lattice design. The lid is also decorated with embossed concentric decorations, at the center with flowers in an octogonal frame, and around the rim with large fowers of various forms. China, early 19th cetury, maybe earlier. Diameter: 7.7 cm. Height: 4.4 cm. Very good condition...
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Chinese : Sculpture : Pre 1700 item #1482740 (stock #1-1388)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Statue of Kuan Yin, wearing diadem and formal dress, holding a lotus bud in her right hand, sitting in "regal repose" on a elevated double lotus throne. Bronze, with fine reddish-green patina. China, Yuan/early Ming Dynasty, maybe earlier. Height: 12.9 cm. Very good condition. A rather rare piece in this form.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Chinese : Metalwork : Pre AD 1000 item #1483312 (stock #1-1390)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Superbly cast bronze belt hook with a finely detailed dragon head at its top with gold and silver eyes, ears and nose, and with gold and silver inlaid geometric designs on the rest of the body. A knob at the back for attachment to a belt. Nice reddish green age patina, partly encrusted. China, Warring States period. Height: 10.5 cm. Very good condition. Provenance: acquired in 1987 from a reputed Paris dealer specialising in Asian antiques...
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1837 VR item #1483639 (stock #1-1394)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Finely cast unusual statue of Hindu god Kartikeya, wearing jewels and a loincloth, standing on a stylised lotus.The right hand of this statue is poised as if holding a staff and the left hand rests on his thigh. He is seen as a mendicant with just a loincloth on. This form of Kartikeya is also called Dandayudhapani (the one who holds staff in hand).Bronze, with nice age patina. India, early 19th century, maybe earlier. Height: 19.3 cm. Very good condition...
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : Himalayas : Pre 1900 item #1483956 (stock #1-1397)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Statue of Maitreya, the Buddha of the Future, in monk's robes, sitting on a lotus throne, with a small stupa in his headdress, his hands holding a vase. The statue is made of copper, with a fine age patina. Tibet, 19th century. Height: 8.8 cm. Very good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : Himalayas : Pre 1837 VR item #1484072 (stock #1-1398)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Rare, unusual in this form, Himalayan shamanic mask, with eyes and mouth wide open, expressive features. This mask is strangely similar in aspect to antique Greek theater masks, though there is no known connection between both areas. The mask is made of wood, with a very fine dark brown glossy patina and obvious signs of great age, with traces of the oritginal colouring. Period: 19th century. Height: 29.5 cm. The mask is nicely mounted on a custom stand. Good condition...
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Sculpture : Pre 1700 item #1484150 (stock #1-1399)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Very old wood statue of Buddhist goddess Sho Kannon Bosatsu (one of the many forms of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara), wearing formal robes, and a diadem with bronze decorations on the two sides, standing on a lotus, her left hand holding a vase, her right hand in abhaya mudra. The goddess face reflects a profound meditation. Remnants of the original gilding. Fine age patina. Japan, early Edo period. Height: 25.2 cm. Good condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Indian Subcontinent : India : Pre 1900 item #1484500 (stock #1-1401)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
Finely cast gilt bronze statue of Hindu god Vishnu, wearing a diadem with a flaming aureola at the back, necklaces bracelets and a dhoti, holding his attributes with his four arms. The god is standing on and backed by the Naga. India, late 19th century. Height: 15 cm...
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Central Asian : Pre AD 1000 item #1484561 (stock #1-1402)
AfricAsia Primitive and Antiques
A rare gilt bronze plate, with a fine embossed decoration representing, from the center to the rim, an archer, then a geometric circular frame, then six deities heads and six triangles, finally a rim. Bactrian Civilisation, ca. 4th century. Diameter: 21.5 cm. Obvious signs of use and age, otherwise good condition. Provenance: old French collection, acquired in Afghanistan in 1971 by its former owner.